
January 4, 2016

Drugstore Makeup Guru + GIVEAWAY

I've always been a drugstore makeup junkie. As a "tween" I had a sparkly, purple travel kit that housed a plethora of lipsticks and false lashes for my dance performances. Almay and Revlon were household names and my room always smelled of powder puff. 

Now that I'm "retired" from the stage life (or what I had of one), my makeup routine is sweet and simple, but I think all my time at Walgreens getting just the right shade of lipsticks and liners has helped me to uncover the best drugstore makeup products.

Now they are some cases where you should bite the bullet and spend a little more at Sephora. I once spent close to $30 on a tiny tube of smashbox concealer for freshman homecoming and practically had a wake for the darn thing when I finished it up. So splurge here and there, it won't kill you.

However - the best products for more bang for your buck? I've got them for you today. And a fun giveaway, so don't click out just yet. :) 

Covergirl "Flamed Out" Mascara 
I will admit, I originally purchased this mascara because it was on sale at Walmart for under $5. But holy smokes, is it good. If you want a cheaper version of a Benefit mascara, this is it. The unique design of the brush really makes it look like you've got falsies on. (Have I whined on here yet about how bad I want lash extensions??? Ugh.)

Revlon Blush in "Mauvelous" 
I have repurchased this blush only about 15 times now. No really - it was mandatory for my 6th grade competition dance to "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and I haven't dared try another shade or brand since. If it ain't broke don't fix it right?

St Ive's Apricot Scrub
So I want to take even better care of my skin this year, and Cosmo and Glamour say I need an exfoiliator. However, the $40 one they suggested is just a little out of my price range. I got this St. Ives scrub just over two weeks ago and I swear I'm a new person with it. I use it about twice a week as C & G suggested. 

Almay Clear Complexion concealer
It's the only concealer I've ever used. (Minus my brief love affair with smashbox circa 2010.) Now, if it's my wedding day or I'm getting my professional photos taken for my first novel, I will definitely reach for smashbox or maybe even Chanel, but for now - Almay will do. (Go a shade lighter than you think!)

Baby Lips by Maybelline
I swear by this stuff. It's perfect because it's moisturizing and does all the great stuff that chapstick does, but it's tinted, so no one knows it's not actually an expensive lip color. 

Ok congrats you've made it to the giveaway!

So I've gushed enough about these products to have hopefully convinced you to give them a place on your grocery list, but just for fun, I'm giving away a St. Ives scrub, a Flamed Out mascara, and a baby lips lip balm!

Enter below - winner announced on my Instagram (@cristina96x) at 7pm on Saturday 1/9.
a Rafflecopter giveaway




  1. I love ST Ives! Such great products

  2. Too funny! i just purchased this St. Ives scrub today after reading great reviews about it!


    1. It's the best! I think you'll really love it :)

  3. St Ives is the best! Thanks so much for hosting!

    Sara Kate Styling

  4. I love that apricot scrub! It smells so good!

    Mikayla | A Seersucker State of Mind.

    1. I know right! It's like an at-home spa every time I use it :)

  5. Loveee the apricot scrub! I won't use any other face wash!

    Amy |

  6. I love baby lips! I have quite the collection.

  7. St. Ives is awesome!
    I also love Baby Lips and that mascara sounds awesome.

    xoxo, Jenny

  8. I borrowed my friend's St. Ives scrub over the weekend and I loved it.

  9. Love drugstore products as well especially St. Ives scrubs!


  10. Looks like some great products!

  11. Great review! I've never tried the scrub before!

  12. I love St. Ives scrubs–and honestly, mascara is one of the few products where I think there are so many drugstore brands that are just as good (if not better) than more high end brands, so I'm totally with you there!

    Alexandra Adams | X-Height-Ment

  13. My sister really likes the Maybelline Baby Lips, maybe I should give it a try.

  14. St. Ives is HEAVEN! love that stuff

  15. I definitely overspend on makeup. I don't even wear that much of it, I just end up buying everything at Sephora because I don't know what to buy when I go into a Drugstore. Your suggestions help!

    1. Yay I'm glad to hear that! Sometimes going to sephora and playing dress up with the makeup is just too much fun to resist :)

  16. I wish I could use St. Ives products - the last time I did, I had a terrible allergic reaction :( But I do love Maybelline's Baby Lips! I have the shade that comes in the orange tube and I love it!

  17. I live for that scrub! It's my favv!

    Sugar & Something

  18. Dance recitals are what turned me away from red lipstick for so long! Haha. But I do appreciate learning how to do false lashes at such a young age ;) I have been wanting to try Babylips!

    XO, SS || Seersucker Sass

  19. Enjoyed reading about your recent purchases, and entering the giveaway. I have such an eyelash problem (everyone in my family has amazing eyelashes but me) so I am always looking for great mascaras!

  20. Great products and great giveaway, thanks for sharing!


    Hannah from

  21. I love the revlon blushes! they are such good quality!

  22. I've wanted to try lash extensions as well! I have friends who swear by them. Love this product round up, I'm a big fan of drugstore brands.

  23. Ive tried St. Ive's apricot scrub and loved it. Great picks!

    x Sarah

  24. I love St. Ives! I'm definitely going to be participating!

  25. That scrub is like the holy grail of skincare. No matter how many expensive options I try, I always return to this one.
