November 12, 2014

Winter Lips Tutorial

It's cold out there! I've been buried in layers of knit leggings, fleece undershirts, heavy sweaters, and a down jacket. I've even had to add a beanie and gloves these past couple days! 

During the winter, I feel like it's hard to have a bold fashion look when you're all bundled up. Since I know that I won't be ever wearing a ski mask, I rely on my face and accessories to do the talking.

Bold lips make a great statement when paired with great jewelry (my necklace was a bargain at Target). Here's how I make the look happen:

Step 1. Exfoliate your lips and make sure you use Elf's exfoliating stick because it's the bomb (and only $3).

Step 2. Line your lips thoroughly with your choice of lipstick. 

Step 3: Apply the lipstick to your finger and dab it on your lips that way to get an even look.

Step 4: Now for the tricky part - Take a paper towel and suction it on top of your lips. Pat some loose powder on top of the paper towel. This little trick will make your lipstick stay through all of those warm coffee sips!

Step 5: Apply some good chapstick after to protect your lips. 

Even with chattering teeth, smile big!



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